Draw near to God, draw near to one another…
Psalm 73:28 says “But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God; I have made the Lord God my refuge andplaced my trust in Him, that I may tell of all Your works.” It is the belief of the Women’s Ministry team at C3 that declaring the Gospel with the way we live our lives and the way we speak our words, must first come from a place of drawing near to the Lord. In pursuit of this goal, our Ministry initiatives for 2023 are centered first and foremost around the study of God’s word and discipleship through relationship. We are offering both a Spring and Fall Bible study which will be held on Friday mornings from 10:00am to 11:30am with child care provided. In addition, we will be hosting some Wednesday evening social events for the Spring, Summer, and Fall, as well as an advent themed Christmas Party in December!
For event details please click the event link below. For current Bible study information please click the Bible Study link or e-mail our Women’s Ministry team at [email protected]!
Our Team:
Beth Panter
Hi,I’m Beth! My husband is Robert Panter and we have four children; Jordan, Allie, Drew, and Avery, ages 7 to 13. We have been members of C3 for over a decade, and gathering women to study God’s word together is one of my deepest passions. I’m truly looking forward to being a part of the Women’s Ministry team and growing closer to the Lord with the ladies of C3.
Carroll Barron
I am so excited to walk alongside the women of C3! My name is Carroll and I have been married to the love of my life for 22 years. We have 6 amazing children/young adults, ages ranging from 9 to 21. I have lived a lot of life in these years; everything from starting 3 businesses with my husband and church planting, to living on a farm. I love loving people and watching them fall more in love with Jesus!